Complaints Policy
No anonymous complaints will be considered or acknowledged.
All complaints must be in writing duly signed by the complainant,
complaints will only be accepted via written letter or email
No complaint will be considered without documented, factual supporting evidence.
The complainant must be prepared for their name to be recorded in the club minutes
and to be made public if necessary.
The FBCE cannot be involved in personal disputes between individual members.
In particular those involving social media and Facebook
The FBCE will only consider complaints against a member if it concerns any of the following:
Club Rules and Regulations, Code of Ethics or Breeders Charter.
A copy of the complaint and supporting evidence will be forwarded to the subject
prior to consideration by the committee.
Complaints Procedure
Complaints against individuals
Ensure that the person/persons who are the subject of the complaint are paid up FBCE member/s.
Clearly state the clause/s from the Clubs Constitution (Rules), Code of Ethics or Breeders Charter
that you believe the subject/s has contravened.
Provide documented, factual evidence supporting the complaint.
You must be prepared to attend a meeting with the committee
and the member/s who are the subject of the complaint if required.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs Bev Hucker, Hon. Secretary via Email: [email protected]
Complaints Policy
No anonymous complaints will be considered or acknowledged.
All complaints must be in writing duly signed by the complainant,
complaints will only be accepted via written letter or email
No complaint will be considered without documented, factual supporting evidence.
The complainant must be prepared for their name to be recorded in the club minutes
and to be made public if necessary.
The FBCE cannot be involved in personal disputes between individual members.
In particular those involving social media and Facebook
The FBCE will only consider complaints against a member if it concerns any of the following:
Club Rules and Regulations, Code of Ethics or Breeders Charter.
A copy of the complaint and supporting evidence will be forwarded to the subject
prior to consideration by the committee.
Complaints Procedure
Complaints against individuals
Ensure that the person/persons who are the subject of the complaint are paid up FBCE member/s.
Clearly state the clause/s from the Clubs Constitution (Rules), Code of Ethics or Breeders Charter
that you believe the subject/s has contravened.
Provide documented, factual evidence supporting the complaint.
You must be prepared to attend a meeting with the committee
and the member/s who are the subject of the complaint if required.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs Bev Hucker, Hon. Secretary via Email: [email protected]