Health Scheme: How to participate
The Scheme is administered financially by the FBCE
The Breed Health Scheme Administrator is : Vanessa Bryant - Contact Email [email protected]
The scheme is open to everyone, you do not need to be a member of any French Bulldog Club.
All French Bulldogs must be KC registered, Micro chipped or have permanent tattoo identification and be over 12 months of age to participate.
Basic Health Check – Confirmation of Participation
This Breed Specific examination covers Ears, Eyes, Heart, Breathing, Skin, Basic Conformation, Temperament etc
This can be carried out at your own vet using the form and Nostril Grading Instructions to vets on the Health Testing Form Page (CLICK HERE for link to forms)
You will be awarded a Confirmation of Participation and your results recorded on the Health Database.
Bronze Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
You must have obtained the Basic Health Check – Confirmation of Participation
You must have participated in the Official KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme.
Click Here for Link to KC RFG Website
Silver Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
To have obtained the Bronze Health Certificate with the following results
Participation in the KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG) with Grade 0 or 1.
Nostrils Grade 1 or 2 (depending on vets comments exceptions can be made if nostrils are grade 3 but RFG must be a grade of 0 or 1.
Heart test with a normal grade in the previous 12 months (either on the Basic Health Check or with a repeat Heart test).
Putnam Patella test score (Grade 0 or 1 on Basic Health Check)
DNA test (HC HSF4) for Hereditary Cataracts (clear result) or Hereditary Clear.
Gold Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
To have obtained Bronze and Silver Certificates
Be over 2 years of age
To have obtained a RFG of 0 or 1 with the KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG) when the dog is over 2 yrs old.
Repeat Heart Test (Normal) the dog must be over two years of age at the time of examination
Spine X Ray and Evaluation
Optional Recommended tests for All Levels
Participation the BVA Eye Scheme
DNA test Cystinuria Type 3
DNA test for Degenerative Myelopathy
DNA test for HUU
What to do next
Once you have printed off the Basic Health Form including Nostril Guidance.
Complete the top section with your dogs and your personal details
and book an appointment with your Vet (and/or an approved KC RFG Assessor).
Your vet will complete an examination of your dog and a basic breathing assessment before and after exercise the results of which should be completed on the form and this signed, dated and stamped.
As an official KC Respiratory Function Grade now forms part of the Bronze and Silver level, we recommend booking the basic health assessment with an approved RFG assessor to minimise cost.
To apply for your French Bulldog's Confirmation of Participation you must send the original copy of the form to the Health Scheme Administrator for verification within 12 months of the Vet's Examination. This will be returned to you when certificates issued.This must be sent with a copy of the Respiratory Function Grade report, this will be given to you by the assessor either in paper form or email from the Kennel Club.
The Bronze and Silver Awards can be claimed at the same time if all eligibility criteria are met.
Please ensure that your dogs NAME, KC Reg and MICROCHIP No are clearly shown on all paperwork.
You MUST include a LARGE LETTER POSTAGE STAMP to receive your certificate which will be sent to you in a hard backed 'Do Not Bend' envelope' PLUS 4 x unused 2nd class stamps
which go towards the cost of administering the scheme.
NB Your certificate will not be sent to you
without a LARGE LETTER STAMP and 4 unused stamps.
Please post to:
Vanessa Bryant, 34 Somersham, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 2PZ
(recorded delivery recommended)
Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing
Your forms will not be delivered to us if you do not put the correct postage stamps on the envelope.
We do not pay any excess postage charges
All forms and paperwork for the Health Scheme are copyright and cannot be used or copied for any purpose other than participating in the French Bulldog Health Scheme. By submitting your forms to the administrator, you consent to your data being used by the Health Scheme for it's research, which may include sharing anonymous information with the Kennel Club, Royal Veterinary College or other research partners and Non UK Breed Clubs.
If you subsequently decide you wish to opt-out of future research, please contact Vanessa Bryant -
Contact Email: [email protected]
Your privacy and consent to use your data are important to us.
Your personal details will not be shared with a third party.
The Breed Health Scheme Administrator is : Vanessa Bryant - Contact Email [email protected]
The scheme is open to everyone, you do not need to be a member of any French Bulldog Club.
All French Bulldogs must be KC registered, Micro chipped or have permanent tattoo identification and be over 12 months of age to participate.
Basic Health Check – Confirmation of Participation
This Breed Specific examination covers Ears, Eyes, Heart, Breathing, Skin, Basic Conformation, Temperament etc
This can be carried out at your own vet using the form and Nostril Grading Instructions to vets on the Health Testing Form Page (CLICK HERE for link to forms)
You will be awarded a Confirmation of Participation and your results recorded on the Health Database.
Bronze Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
You must have obtained the Basic Health Check – Confirmation of Participation
You must have participated in the Official KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme.
Click Here for Link to KC RFG Website
Silver Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
To have obtained the Bronze Health Certificate with the following results
Participation in the KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG) with Grade 0 or 1.
Nostrils Grade 1 or 2 (depending on vets comments exceptions can be made if nostrils are grade 3 but RFG must be a grade of 0 or 1.
Heart test with a normal grade in the previous 12 months (either on the Basic Health Check or with a repeat Heart test).
Putnam Patella test score (Grade 0 or 1 on Basic Health Check)
DNA test (HC HSF4) for Hereditary Cataracts (clear result) or Hereditary Clear.
Gold Level Certificate – Open to Breed Standard Recognised Colours Only
To have obtained Bronze and Silver Certificates
Be over 2 years of age
To have obtained a RFG of 0 or 1 with the KC/University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG) when the dog is over 2 yrs old.
Repeat Heart Test (Normal) the dog must be over two years of age at the time of examination
Spine X Ray and Evaluation
Optional Recommended tests for All Levels
Participation the BVA Eye Scheme
DNA test Cystinuria Type 3
DNA test for Degenerative Myelopathy
DNA test for HUU
What to do next
Once you have printed off the Basic Health Form including Nostril Guidance.
Complete the top section with your dogs and your personal details
and book an appointment with your Vet (and/or an approved KC RFG Assessor).
Your vet will complete an examination of your dog and a basic breathing assessment before and after exercise the results of which should be completed on the form and this signed, dated and stamped.
As an official KC Respiratory Function Grade now forms part of the Bronze and Silver level, we recommend booking the basic health assessment with an approved RFG assessor to minimise cost.
To apply for your French Bulldog's Confirmation of Participation you must send the original copy of the form to the Health Scheme Administrator for verification within 12 months of the Vet's Examination. This will be returned to you when certificates issued.This must be sent with a copy of the Respiratory Function Grade report, this will be given to you by the assessor either in paper form or email from the Kennel Club.
The Bronze and Silver Awards can be claimed at the same time if all eligibility criteria are met.
Please ensure that your dogs NAME, KC Reg and MICROCHIP No are clearly shown on all paperwork.
You MUST include a LARGE LETTER POSTAGE STAMP to receive your certificate which will be sent to you in a hard backed 'Do Not Bend' envelope' PLUS 4 x unused 2nd class stamps
which go towards the cost of administering the scheme.
NB Your certificate will not be sent to you
without a LARGE LETTER STAMP and 4 unused stamps.
Please post to:
Vanessa Bryant, 34 Somersham, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 2PZ
(recorded delivery recommended)
Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing
Your forms will not be delivered to us if you do not put the correct postage stamps on the envelope.
We do not pay any excess postage charges
All forms and paperwork for the Health Scheme are copyright and cannot be used or copied for any purpose other than participating in the French Bulldog Health Scheme. By submitting your forms to the administrator, you consent to your data being used by the Health Scheme for it's research, which may include sharing anonymous information with the Kennel Club, Royal Veterinary College or other research partners and Non UK Breed Clubs.
If you subsequently decide you wish to opt-out of future research, please contact Vanessa Bryant -
Contact Email: [email protected]
Your privacy and consent to use your data are important to us.
Your personal details will not be shared with a third party.