The Club is administered by a Committee of up to fifteen Members, elected by postal ballot of the Membership and serving for a term of three years, five of the Committee being subject to election annually, either by standing for re-election or retirement. The Committee elects its own Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Honorary Treasurer.
It is served by an Honorary Secretary appointed by the Committee.
The President is elected by postal ballot and serves for three years on the same basis as the Committee Members.
The information and content provided on The French Bulldog Club of England's web site
is maintained by the Committee of the Club.
FBCE Officers & Committee 2024
President - Mrs Lucy Bonsall
Hon Vice President
Mr Malcolm Trevis
Mr Richie Cairns
Chairman - Mr Richie Cairns
Contact: 02380 704012
Email: [email protected]
Vice Chair - Mrs Charlotte Swateridge
Contact: 07900 817120
Email: [email protected]
Hon Secretary - Mrs Michelle Smith
Contact: 07800 878629
Email: [email protected]
Hon Treasurer - Ms Louise Duff
Email: [email protected]
Show Secretary & Show Manager - Mrs Charlotte Swateridge
Contact: 07900 817120
Email: [email protected]
Membership Secretary - Mrs Charlotte Swateridge
Contact: 07900 817120
Email:[email protected]
FBCE Committee
Mrs Yvonne Ayriss
Miss Vanessa Bryant
Mr Richie Cairns
Mr Neil Fiddes
Mrs Gerri Forsyth
Mrs Bev Hucker
Ms Angela Pleasance
Mrs Linda Quin
Ms Teresa Scott
Ms Michelle Stidwell
Mrs Charlotte Swateridge
French Connection Editor - Mr Richie Cairns
Membership Secretary - Mrs Charlotte Swateridge
Junior Club Mentor - Mrs Gerri Forsyth
Discover Dogs Organiser - Mrs Linda Quin
Instagram & Club Photography - Miss Michelle Stidwell
Breed Health Administrator -
Miss Vanessa Bryant
Email:[email protected]
KC French Bulldog Breed Health Co-ordinator -
Dr Laura Hamilton BVM&S PgC SAC PgC SAM MRCVS
Email: [email protected]