lf the dog is stolen then be guided by the Police,
never be tempted to dealwith those responsible on your own
Check out buildings
Check areas of regular walks
House to house enquiries
Contact Dog Rescue Centres
The Dogs Trust
Blue Cross
Breed Rescue Society
Battersea Dogs Home
Local Animal Rescue
lnternet sites & Social Media:-
1.Register the lost dog with Doglost
The French Bulldog Club of England have a facebook page HERE
Ask for details to be posted
3.Check sites such as Epupz (
to see if your dog is offered for sale, this may be up to several months later
4.Place ads in Local Paper
Place ads on Local Radio
ln towns - Council CCTV
Dog Warden
Micro-chip company
lf the dog is stolen then be guided by the Police,
never be tempted to dealwith those responsible on your own
Check out buildings
Check areas of regular walks
House to house enquiries
Contact Dog Rescue Centres
The Dogs Trust
Blue Cross
Breed Rescue Society
Battersea Dogs Home
Local Animal Rescue
lnternet sites & Social Media:-
1.Register the lost dog with Doglost
The French Bulldog Club of England have a facebook page HERE
Ask for details to be posted
3.Check sites such as Epupz (
to see if your dog is offered for sale, this may be up to several months later
4.Place ads in Local Paper
Place ads on Local Radio
ln towns - Council CCTV
Dog Warden
Micro-chip company